Sunday, February 2, 2025
In addition to being the Sheriff of Canyon County, Idaho and current President of the NSA, Sheriff Kieran Donahue and his wife Jeanie founded in 2012 the K. Donahue Foundation (dba; as the Man Up Crusade). This is a national and international public awareness campaign on the issue of domestic violence in our society.
In 2024, a Resolution was passed through committee and ultimately voted on by the membership at the NSA 2024 Summer Conference, to establish a PURPLE Day in all future NSA conferences in order to garner support and recognition of Sheriffs standing in solidarity against the issue of domestic violence.

Sunday, February 2, 2025, will be recognized as PURPLE Day during the 2025 Winter Conference, a special day dedicated to raising awareness about domestic violence and showing solidarity for this critical cause. Attendees are encouraged to wear purple on Sunday to visually demonstrate their support and help bring the issue of domestic violence to the forefront of our collective attention.
This year, the conference has embraced this mission wholeheartedly, with purple conference bags and lanyards serving as visible reminders of our commitment to this cause. By participating, you can help spark conversations and show your support for those impacted by domestic violence. To learn more about the important work being done in this area, visit the Man Up Crusade website. Together, we can take meaningful steps toward creating safer communities.